Introduction to Sheep Keeping

with Gillian Dixon (DASH member)
Price: £85
Venue: Northlew, near Hatherleigh EX20 3PS
Sunday 11th May 10am - 4pm
Provided: Teas, coffees, soft drinks, biscuits
What you need to bring: Packed lunch, clean outdoor clothes & wellies, dagging shears & foot trimmers if you have them & want to get hands on.

A beginner's guide to sheep keeping including, current regulations, choosing a breed, feeding, annual management, handling, health problems - touches on lambing but this is covered in greater depth in the Lambing course. There will also be a practical session when you will meet the sheep. This will cover equipment, signs of good and poor health, foot trimming, dagging, worming, ear tagging, injecting and loading sheep.

Ticket sales for this course are managed by DASH, to book please email