NEXT COURSE Dec/Jan date tbc
This course is for anyone with an interest in keeping pigs who wants to know how to get started - either with your first few animals or before you buy. Opportunity for plenty of questions.
The course will cover the following:
Choosing the right pigs for you: Breed, pedigree or not, age, size, land capacity; Buying stock - private, market, contact breed societies etc. What to look for when buying / what to avoid. Are you intending to rear for meat or breed?
Managing the land/adapting buildings for pigs: Fencing, Housing / shelters, Handling facilities / equipment / set up, Caring for your pigs, Routine / common husbandry tasks, Feeding, possible problems…
Regulations: What you need to know or have - Holding number/CPH, Herd number, Ear tagging, movement licences, Transport certificate / transport regulations, Standstill periods, Movement / medicine books, Public liability insurance, fallen stock, slaughter/abattoirs.
Meet the pigs (practical session): Equipment, Signs of good / poor health, Worming, Ear tagging, Injecting, loading.