Pig to Plate
with Zoe and Stuart GabrielPrice: £80 (£60 for your first DASH course booked in 2025 if you are a member)
Venue: Holsworthy EX22
Saturday 10th May
Time: 10am - 4pm approx
Provided: Tea, coffee, biscuits. Course notes.
What you need to bring: Warm /outdoor clothes. Clean wellies - disinfectant will be available. Notebook and pen. Packed lunch.
This course will focus on what you need to consider if you are thinking about selling your pork.
NOTE - This course will NOT COVER how to keep pigs. For this, please look at the DASH "Introduction to Keeping Pigs" course.
Topics included on this course:
Choice of pig breeds, feeding, and will touch briefly on land management.
Legal requirements, slaughter/butchery/cut list, marketing and advertising, packaging, selling, cost and profit margins.
Includes "meet the pigs" and "taste the sausages" - if available!
Ticket sales for this course are managed by DASH, to book please email training@devonsmallholders.co.uk